Thursday, August 11, 2011

One of My Favorite Scriptures!

Hey Everyone.
I decided to post one of my favorite scriptures and talk about it a little, just cuz i haven't posted something on here in a while, and cuz i wanted to! :)
so here it is....

Psalm 118:8 ~ "It is better to put trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.", this verse is one of my favorites because it reminds me of how we should look to God for what we need, and trust in Him to provide us with what we need...instead of looking to man for what we need and trusting in man to give us those things! and at one point that was a struggle that i had in my life, and i would look to man for things that i longed for in life and things that i needed....and of course i never found what i was looking for because no one except God had what i was looking for...and so i would get discouraged a lot. But then my relationship with God strengthened as i grew older...and now, even tho i have my moments of going to back to that place of looking to man for things...i have learned and now i chose to look to God for what i need, and i allow Him to be my provision in life. My trust is in the Lord! :D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it is funny how we look to man for things and not God. You can see it in every thing
